Step 1 - Prior to completing the form please contact your central station to determine whether they are enrolled as a master reseller of Connect 24 services. If they are a reseller, please contact them directly to enroll otherwise proceed to step 2.Step 2 - Please Provide a 5 digits dealer number if you're already existed Connect24 dealer.
Step 3 - Please complete the following form to initiate enrollment with Connect 24. Please note that all fields are mandatory unless indicated otherwise.
To create a strong password we recommend a minimum of 8 characters that includes a combination of upper/lower case letters, numbers and a special character (@,%,&, $, #, {, >) and also avoid using real words or common passwords.
Passphrases which are a minimum of 20 characters long may also be used. Passwords with a rating of OK, Strong or Very Strong will be accepted while those showing weak will not.
Note: If you are using your C24 login credentials to perform DLS5 functions over cellular, you will need to update those values within your DLS5 account(s) to reflect the updated password.